Addmotor Customer Service Number, Headquarters Phone Number, Email Address, Head Office Address

  • For sales related Questions:
  • Product Support Assistance:
  • Want to do Business with us as a dealer:

Addmotor Customer Service Phone Number: +1 213-785-2838

For Questions, Queries regarding products and Services of Addmotor, Use the above Phone number. You can call on this number of Addmotor with in the customer service hours.

Addmotor Corporate Office Phone Number: +1 213-785-2838

This is the official phone number of Addmotor, Provided to assist customers on any product/service related Query.

Addmotor Customer Support Email:

This email which is written above is the official customer service assistance email of Addmotor.

Addmotor Customer Service Hours

Customers can Contact Addmotor during the below customer service hours.
Monday-Friday: 9AM-5:30PM

Addmotor Head Office Address

Below written address is the main corporate office address of Addmotor.
4467 Rowland Ave
El Monte, California

About Addmotor: Addmotor is a United States based company busy in making of electric bicycles. The company has got a number of products to offer which includes Moton Electric bikes, Hithot electric Bikes, etc. Besides this they also sold lites and batteries of different types. Customers can check the available products from their official website. Moreover they also offer shipping facility to different parts of the country. Customers can shop their products from their official website and they accept payment through PayPal and different types of Debit/Credit Cards. Upon ordering customers can track the location of the ordered item through the order tracking page available on their official website.

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  1. I'm looking a replacement face cover for the
    Independent Button Pad on Left the on that has a up and down, plus the mon the side of it. Is their anyway I can get a replacement?


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