
Avan Jogia Cell Phone Number, Personal Whats App Number, Email ID, House Address Details

Basic Info: His full name is Avan Tudor Jogia and he was born in Canada in 1992. He is an Actor by Profession and he has been in this profession since 2006. he has Citizenship of different countries which includes Canada and United Kingdom. Avan Jogia is an Ex Student of Killarney Secondary School. At the very young age he was having a great passion towards acting that is why at the age of 17 he left education and moved to United States to promote his career in acting. During the early years of his career he was given small roles and after working in different roles he gained so much popularity all over the world.

Avan Jogia Personal Phone Number: 000 0000

Personal Phone number of Avan Jogia is not available anywhere on the internet, because every one will call him throughout the day. You can message him and ask him for phone number.

Avan Jogia Personal Email Address: na
This is the official email address of this personality.

Here we have shared different contact details related to Avan Jogia, these are official contact details. Facebook page Link, Twitter Profile Page link of Avan Jogia is written below.

House Address of Avan Jogia

Below written address is the Home address of Avan Jogia.
Los Angeles, California, U.S

Avan Jogia official Website: na

Avan Jogia Facebook Page:

Avan Jogia Twitter

Avan Jogia Instagram

If you are a true fan of Avan Jogia, send him message through the below comment box and we will publish it for you.

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  1. You are brilliant. Stunning. An eclectic soul. I see you.

  2. You are amazing and i just love your charachter in Victorious i have been watching that show for days now. Hope i can talk and meet with you one day.

  3. hi its Aaron your big celebrity fan.I was wounder if this is your real phone number 0000000.

  4. My haert is broken in pieces right now by this guy I know from Siren. Can I have your phone number and gmail and Cell phone number please

    Love Emma Stellrecht 💖

  5. What is your phone number

  6. Hey Avan, LOVE watching you play Beck Oliver on seasons 1-3 of Victorious. What's your home email address? If you don't wanna tell me on here, then you can email it to me at Hope to hear from you soon. See ya, Avan. Once again, BIG FAN!!!


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