Stella and Dot Customer Service Number, Headquarters Phone Number, Email Address, Head Office Address

Phone Number800-9205893
AddressSan Francisco, CA, United States

Stella and Dot Customer Service Phone Number: 800-9205893

For Questions, Queries regarding products and Services of Stella and Dot, Use the above Phone number. You can call on this number of Stella and Dot with in the customer service hours.

Stella and Dot Corporate Office Phone Number: 800-9205893

This is the official phone number of Stella and Dot, Provided to assist customers on any product/service related Query.

Stella and Dot Other Office Contact Numbers

Stella and Dot Customer Support Email: na

This email which is written above is the official customer service assistance email of Stella and Dot.

Stella and Dot Customer Service Hours

Customers can Contact Stella and Dot during the below customer service hours.
Mon-Fri: 6am - 4pm PST

About Stella and Dot: Stella & Dot is an online shopping destination of thousands of customers from different countries. The platform offers a wide variety of items including Jewelry, Bags, Clothing of different brands and many more items. Order delivery flow of this company is different for different states of the country. Shipping facility to different parts of the world is also offered by Stella & Dot. Shipping charges are also charged on ordering any item for the various platforms of Stella & Dot. They charge Shipping as per the address and time, if you need faster delivery you will be charged more. Returns also also accpeted by the company and the customer can enjoy this facility for a period of 3 months from the date of delivery.

Stella and Dot Head Office Address

Below written address is the main corporate office address of Stella and Dot.
San Francisco, CA, United States

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Stella and Dot Twitter

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