
Hanfiya School Achabal

Hanfiya School Achabal Phone Numbers

Hanfiya School Achabal, a village based school in Anantnag District is a co educational school upto 10th class. The lowest class is 1 and the highest class of Hanfiya School Achabal is 10th. Hanfiya School Achabal commenced its daily educational services for the first time in 1989. The total role of students in Hanfiya School Achabal is more than 270 with both male as well as female students.
If you have any complaints, suggestions, queries concerning Hanfiya School Achabal you may chose any of the contact option below and get assistance from the authorities of the school. Hanfiya School Achabal has school timing different for different seasons. However, Hanfiya School Achabal remains close from middle of December upto first March due to winter vacations.

Quick Facts Regarding Hanfiya School Achabal

Founded: 1989
Medium of Instruction: Urdu and English
Standard: Nursery to 10th
Location: Achabal, Anantnag,
State: Jammu and Kashmir
Affiliation: J&K State Board of School Education.
School Type: Co-educational

Facilities at Hanfiya School Achabal

Commenced its operations in 1989, Hanfiya School Achabal provides various student facilities in the campus. Some of the student facilities available for students are:
  • Library to read different books
  • Playground to take pleasure of different games
  • Drinking water
  • Computer Lab to learn various computer related things
  • Other Student facilities

Address of Hanfiya School Achabal

If you want to visit the office or campus location of Hanfiya School Achabal, you can go through the following address:
Achabal, Anantnag,
Jammu & Kashmir,
Postal Code: 192201 India

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