Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School is a collaboration between two missionary schools of Kashmir valley. The name is a combination between two schools named Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School. Tyndale Biscoe was started by some christian missionaries and imparts education to boys only And on the other hand Mallinson School also started by some christian missionaries and imparts education to female students only. Tyndale Biscoe was incorporated by Cecil Tyndale Biscoe in 1880 CE, that's why the school has been named after him. The later was incorporated by Ms Fitze in 1912 CE and has been named after her. The school is featured with bus service via different routes. The students of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School take part in various school functions and debates organized by the school authorities. Tyndale Biscoe has got the slogan "In All Things Be Men" and the motto of Mallinson School is "Faithful in the least". Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School are one of the oldest names in delivering education. Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School is affiliated to Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education.Address of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
The office of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School can be visited by going through the following address:Sheikh Bagh, Near Lal Chowk,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190001
Phone Numbers of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
For any assistance you can contact the officials of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School by dialing the following given number:+91-194-2452533
Fax Number of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
Besides these mediums Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School has also a fax number, from which students/parents and other persons can also get help. The main purpose of this fax number is made available by Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School is that the students/parents and other persons can write their queries anytime anywhere. The fax number of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School is written below:+91-194-2484997
Email Address of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
Email is another medium to get assistance from Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School officials. The email address of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School is written below:education@tbmes.org
Postal Address of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
Tyndale - Biscoe And Mallinson SocietySheikh Bagh
Srinagar , Jammu & Kashmir 190001
Phone : +91-194-2452533
Fax : +91-194-2484997
e-mail: education@tbmes.org
Bus Routes of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
- Bus #1679 (Shalimar-II)
- Bus #6775 (Nishat-II)
- Bus #8962 (KralPora)
- Bus #2212 (Budgam)
Bus #1679 (Shalimar-II) Covers the following areas and takes the following path:
School > Dalgate > Nehrupark > Karpora > Kral Sangar > Brane > Vakil Colony > Manzgam > Nishat > Ishber > Skaust > Shalimar Garden >Aarbal Stop.
Bus #6775 (Nishat-II) Covers the following areas and takes the following path:
School > Dalgate > Nehrupark > Nishat > Ishber > Skaust > Shalimar Chowk > Chandpora > Harwan Bridge.
Bus #8962 (KralPora) Covers the following areas and takes the following path:
School > Jawahar Nagar > Ram Bagh > Baigh Pora > Natipora Main Road > Old Chanapora > New Chanapora > Lal Nagar > Main Road Chanapora > Bage-e-Mehtab > Railway Colony Kralpora > Gopalpora > Byepass Bridge > Zehgir Colony > Nowgam Byepass > Naik Bagh > Old Natipora > Ram Bagh > Solina > Haft Chinar > Jehangir chowk.
Bus #2212 (Budgam) Covers the following areas and takes the following path:
School > Budgam > Narpora > Ompora > Sheikhpora > Humhama > Peerbagh > Hyderpora Byepass > Jamkash > Tengpora Bridge > Sanatnagar Chowk > Railway Bridge > Bhagat Chowk > Barzulla > Rambagh > Solina > Jehangir chowk .
Website of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School
The official website of Tyndale Biscoe And Mallinson School is written below:http://tbms.tbmes.org/
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