Microtek Ups Lucknow is one of the service centre locations of Microtek Company. Microtek Ups is one of the electronic products of the company. The Headquarters of this reputed company is based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The company started its journey in this field in 1980. The distribution units of this company are located in almost every part of the world. Microtek Ups Lucknow offers different types of products to its customers such as Inverters of different ranges, batteries of different capacities, Ups, etc.
If you have any type of complaints, suggestions, queries regarding Microtek Ups Lucknow, use the following contact detail to get full help from the customer service department of Microtek Ups Lucknow. here we will provide you a full contact detail such as Email, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Toll Free Number, Office Service Hours, etc of Microtek Ups Lucknow.
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
0522 3231857
0522-3231857, 3264435
222 & 223, Prince Complex,
2nd Floor, Naval Kishore Road,
Hazratganj, Lucknow, India
Microtek Ups Lucknow Website: microtekdirect.com
Microtek Ups Lucknow Facebook Page: facebook.com/Microtekindia
Microtek Ups Lucknow Twitter Page:twitter.com/Microtek_india
For any complaint Regarding Microtek Ups Lucknow, User the below Comment Box and write your message. We will post it for you so that your issue will get highlighted.
If you have any type of complaints, suggestions, queries regarding Microtek Ups Lucknow, use the following contact detail to get full help from the customer service department of Microtek Ups Lucknow. here we will provide you a full contact detail such as Email, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Toll Free Number, Office Service Hours, etc of Microtek Ups Lucknow.
Microtek Ups Service Center Number Lucknow: 0522 3231857
The above contact number of Microtek Ups Lucknow is applicable for all types of customer support. You can call on this number of Microtek Ups Lucknow with in the customer service hours. This is for Hazratganj, LUCKNOW Area.Microtek Ups Lucknow Corporate Office Phone Number: 1800 102 4447
This contact number of Microtek Ups Lucknow may or may not be toll free and you can use this one if the first one doesn't work for you.Microtek Inverter Customer Care Number Lucknow: 0522- 3264435
For Assistance on Microtek Inverters, Use the above assistance number of Microtek Inverter Service Center located in Lacknow.- Hazrat Ganj: 0522-3231-857
- Balaganj: 93352-64294
- Sector A: 94509-31474
- Kanpur Road: 0522-6546-668
- Ashoka Marg: 0522-2230-290
- Forsth Road Lal Bagh: 0522-2628-187
Microtek Ups Lucknow Customer Service Hours
Customers can Contact Microtek Ups Lucknow during the below customer service hours.9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Microtek Ups Lucknow Customer Support Email: lkw@microtekdirect.com
This email which is written above is the official customer service assistance email of Microtek Ups Lucknow.Phone Numbers of Microtek Ups Lucknow
Customers can contact the customer care representatives of Microtek Ups Lucknow on the following numbers:0522 3231857
0522-3231857, 3264435
Toll Free Number of Microtek Ups Lucknow
Customers can also get connected with the customer care department of Microtek Ups Lucknow through a medium of toll free number. This toll free option has been provided so that the customers can talk freely with the customer care department of Microtek Ups Lucknow and get solutions of their various questions and queries. Toll free number of Microtek Ups Lucknow is mentioned below:8800255733
Email Address of Microtek Ups Lucknow
Email is another option to get assistance from the customer care department of- Customer care Lucknow: lkw@microtekdirect.com
- Head Office: ups@microtekdirect.com
Address of Microtek Ups Lucknow
If you have any type of complaints, suggestions, queries regarding Microtek Ups Lucknow, you can visit officially on their official physical address written below:222 & 223, Prince Complex,
2nd Floor, Naval Kishore Road,
Hazratganj, Lucknow, India
Microtek Ups Lucknow Website: microtekdirect.com
Microtek Ups Lucknow Facebook Page: facebook.com/Microtekindia
Microtek Ups Lucknow Twitter Page:twitter.com/Microtek_india
For any complaint Regarding Microtek Ups Lucknow, User the below Comment Box and write your message. We will post it for you so that your issue will get highlighted.
Stabilizer is not working
ReplyDeleteDate of purchase 18/04/2017
Ups is not output full current
ReplyDeleteBattry is no charging
ReplyDeleteMicrotek inverter purchased now not working and cutomer care numbers unable to connect. It is still under warranty. Please let me know your further guidance please.
ReplyDeleteSir inverter charge hone me light tim tim hoti hai na uske baad band ho jaati hai yahi baat reply kijiye please ki light charge hone me sirf tim tim hoti hai ke hoti rahti🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteHelp nhi de that hi
ReplyDeleteOutput not supplay
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